Wasabi Prime-Related Links:
Seattle Post Intelligencer - The WP exists in a smaller, please-click-to-this-blog format on the PI.
Old-School Wasabi Prime -The Prime first debuted on Vox, my first foray into blogging in Jan 09
Jaunty Magpie - I also write a non-food, but pretty-looking art and style blog.
Foodie Gastronomicon:
FoodBuzz - Like an edible Facebook where I compulsively update my profile to retain the "98 buzz" status.
Food Photo Blog - Food photos and recipes (I know, just like Tastespotting).
Foodie View - Recipe, restaurant guide, food photo board, and general source for tasty things.
The Kitchn - See what's cookn in the Kitchn; great all-in-one source for quality food content.
Tastespotting - When I'm lucky enough to get on here, I feel like a rockstar for the day.
Cocktail Hour:
Cask Strength - Seattle bartender Andrew Bohrer waxes poetic on booze, history, and life behind the bar.
G Girl, Eastside - Local gal who reviews happy hours and just shares funny things that make me laugh.
Mark Sexauer's Cocktail Blog - Mixologist, locavore and enthusiast for making one drink one's greens.
Washington Beer Blog - The who's-who of local Pac NW brews.
Mixed Plate:
Cheap Appetite - Foodventures on a budget, but never skimping on flavor or humor.
The Eaten Path - Eating both on the go and abroad, written by several bloggers; great street food posts.
Food Network Humor - You'll laugh so hard, milk will come out of your nose, without having to drink any milk.
Picket Fence - Adventures in edible gardening in the Pacific Northwest.
Sweet Paul - Food stylist and amazing at finding all things beautiful; Paul Lowe is my hero.
Main Course:
Almost Bourdain - Good food, good photos, great blog name
Bellevue Local Table - Local guide to what's tasty on the Eastside.
Burnt Lumpia - Don't know what lumpia is? You should. Delicious blog about Filipino food.
Carol Egbert - Artist and foodie, Carol Egbert shares recipes and the good life that good food can bring.
The Chickenless Kitchen - Beat the eggs. Whip the cream. Show no mercy - inspiring words to live by!
Citron et Vanille - Silvia's blog is like a ray of delicious sunshine - beautiful photos, super-fresh ingredients.
The Cookbook Chronicles - Lorna Yee leads an amazing foodie life in Seattle. Adopt me.
Cookin' Canuck - Hearty, comforting meals that appeal to whatever you're craving.
Debi Shawcross - Cookbook author and hostess with the mostess.
Fresh New England - an inspiring blog about the love of food and New England ingredients
Gourmet Fury - Feel the fire, heed the flame, feed the fury. With seconds, please.
The Hungry Dog - One of Indy's favorites, as well as mine! A sweet blogger who cooks from the heart.
Matt Bites - Beautiful food photography; Matt Armendariz is a multi-talented artist and devoted foodie.
Omnomicon - Colorful photos and a delicious sense of humor provided by Miss Aleta.
Orangette - Molly Wizenberg is the true Cinderella of how blogging and food can make a beautiful life.
Papawow! - Entertaining food adventures and helpful tips -- a reminder of why food is joy.
Peas Love Carrots - Funny, delightful, and a reminder why it's good to play with your food.
Salty Seattle - She makes her own salt, cures her own bacon, and will absolutely inspire you.
Seattle Food Geek - Techie by day, foodie by night -- no cape required.
The Sophisticated Gourmet - Beautiful photos and smartly-written blog by a foodie-fabulous fellow
The Tasty Island - Hawaii food blogger preaching the delicious gospel of ono kine grindz.
Tiny Urban Kitchen - reviews, kitchen experiments and adventures by the amazing Jen
Tokyo Terrace - Yet another amazing life blessed with good food, exotic locales, and loved ones.
Velveeta Ain't Food - Foodie fun with a blog that enjoys life with a heaping side of good humor.
For Dessert:
Cake Wrecks - Wanna have everyone stare at you at work, wondering why you're laughing out loud? Click here.
Melanger - Beautiful cakes, cookies, and desserts of all kinds, from all around the world.
Tartelette - Helen McSweeney reminds you of why dessert blogs and food photographers are a perfect mix.